This section contains the following posts:

Comments Are Back

In case you hadn't noticed, I've restored the ability to attach comments to these diary entries. Enjoy.

Posted at Thu Dec 28 21:15:13 2006


Yay! Snow!

Posted at Thu Dec 28 08:39:00 2006

Comment Spam Out of Control

I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to disable the feature that allows you to attach comments to these diary entries for a little while. This ability is being badly abused by horrible nasty people to insert an endless stream of advertisements for their trashy products and services. Since they've suddenly started coming in faster than I can delete them by hand, I'm going to have to modify the program responsible for accepting comments so that it filters out most of the bad stuff with spamassassin. This won't be a difficult change for me to make, but I don't have time to do it before Shabbos, and maybe not even till Monday. So no comments until then.

Posted at Fri Dec 15 11:37:03 2006

The Week in Review

I started this week with a road trip to Bet Shemesh for the bris of the firstborn son of one of the guys who was learning in yeshiva with me this past summer. Rabbi Rothenburg and his family and a couple other people who learn at Tiferet Moshe piled into a borrowed van very early in the morning and we tried our best to make it to Bet Shemesh in time. Of course, we didn't. The kids got carsick and threw up and we got a little lost once in Bet Shemesh. But we did manage to catch the last half the speechifying, and there were enough bagels left at the buffet to keep me happy.

Posted at Thu Dec 7 23:22:19 2006