Last Call for Challah

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In a semi-desperate attempt to use up a kilo of whole wheat flour that's been in my freezer for a long time, I did something I don't know if I've ever done before. I made my own challah from scratch. I think it turned out very nicely, although I had been worried that it wasn't rising enough. I stuck it in the oven anyway because I had no more time to wait if it was going to get enough time in the oven before Shabbos. I kneaded sunflower seeds into the dough. You'll also notice that I had no time to braid it, so the loaves were simply lump-shaped. It came out thick and hearty and a little on the crumbly side. It actually sort of reminds me of Rebecca's challah.

picture of challah


Comment from jeff covey at

i would gladly pay you tuesday for a challah boulder today.

Comment from Itai at

Shalom Daniel,

I just returned from the shuq with what feels like a life-time supply of matza.  I just want to wish you חג פסח שמח
