New Apartment

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So I finally got fed up with the flawed plumbing in my old apartment. The landlord told me that if I didn't like having the shower drain bubble up and flood the floor of the front room then I could leave. So I did. And, after more hauling trips than I care to imagine in truly punishing heat, here I am. The new place is not so far away, closer to the center of town and closer to Becca and Avraham. I was quite happy that I got the phone line hooked in yesterday instead of on the predicted date of tomorrow, since it means that I didn't have to interrupt my network services for more than the few minutes it took to carry the computer and sundry between apartments. Now the task at hand is to unpack and organize everything.


Comment from Tim at

Pictures?  Do you still have a nice view available to you?  One of our favorite memories of Israel remains Shabbat dinner on the balcony as the sun finished setting over the mountains.

Comment from Daniel at

I'm not taking pictures until I've vanquished the horrible mess of half-unpacked boxes everywhere. Unfortunately, there is no view from the windows in this apartment. However, there is no shortage of view points within a 30 second walk from my front door.

Comment from Itai at

Congrats on the new place and good luck settling in a making your new flat feel homey.  Here are some ideas for your next wedding:
