This section contains the following posts:

This Year's Gay Pride Parade in Jerusalem

I'm pretty ticked off at both sides of this issue. I cannot swallow the claims of those who oppose the event on the grounds that it will "defile the Holy city". The three religions that dominate the city all consider each other anything ranging from run-of-the-mill heresy to vilest idolatry. And yet they somehow manage to tolerate each other's public demonstrations. Why is walking down the street holding a placard saying "It's OK to be gay" so much more despicable to Jewish sensibilities than monks marching through the Old City on Xmas carrying effigies of their messiah on life-sized crosses? I flatly disbelieve the complaint that the parade is a gross immodesty. If modesty was the real basis for opposing a parade, then the opponents would lobby for enforcement of public lewdness laws and for reasonable controls on the behaviors sanctioned among the parade's participants. They would not be trying to nullify any and every public expression of queer identity. I cannot respect a party that refuses to tolerate the respectful expression of opposing viewpoints.

Posted at Sun Jun 17 10:27:20 2007

Some Fire Dancing Photos

A couple weeks ago, I went to the birthday party of Eliyahu Alpern and spun a little fire. It turns out that one of the perks of providing a little entertainment at a photographer's birthday party is that you get some nice photographs of yourself published. Enjoy!

Posted at Fri Jun 8 10:47:22 2007